Grand Theft Auto V gta 5 Live Data Guides Cheats Strategies Secret Discussions Forum And Much More...

The Only Interactive Data 
Online Guide for Grand Theft Auto V 


This Is Not Some 
Lame "Ebook" Guide 

Serious Gamers Only.

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Grand Theft Auto V is currently the hottest video game on the planet right now - with over $1 Billion in Sales in it's opening days alone. 

It is also highly acclaimed with most of the top video game publications rating it 10/10. Currently, Metacritic holds GTA 5 at the top of its charts with a 98% positive rating for the Xbox 360 version, and 97% for the PS3 version - the highest rating ever in history for a video game. So as you might have guessed, this is BIG!

That Is Why We Have Created "GTA 5 Plus" 

Our product, created by professional gamers allows customers to discover strategies, secrets, cheats, and hidden features for the game - plus complete walkthroughs of all the missions and tasks of the game. Customers also get access to our GTA 5 PLUS.. 

Private Secret GTA 5 Discussion Forum where they interact with other players of the game and ask our top gaming experts questions. All of this provides extreme value-for-money for customers.


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GTA 5 Plus Guide